The Pinterest Palette

I wanted to talk about Pinterest Predicts for 2024, more specifically the newest addition to this tool, Pinterest Palette.

To create this tool the amazing people at Pinterest analyzed their predicted trends for 2024 where they pulled the most persistent hues, they ‘‘also did a deep dive into the cultural zeitgeist, digging into the worlds of fashion, interior design, graphic design, and the culture at large to compare Pinterest’s data to the macro industry color trends.’’ - Business Pinterest

This resulted in 5 color palettes they predict will be huge this year both on and off Pinterest!

As a brand and website designer, this is absolutely something you should take advantage of! Not only can colors rank on Pinterest, but making sure you know what trends are hot and not will position you as a leader in your industry. 

A way for you to leverage this in your own marketing is making pins with the trending colors, people are more prone to clicking those and you will therefore get more views.

Here are the color palettes:


Pinterest and the Marketing Rule of 7


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