The Untapped Power of Pinterest's Audience

Decipher the code of Pinterest SEO and witness your brand's online visibility surge across platforms.

Today I want to discuss the power that lies behind Pinterest as a visual search engine.

On Pinterest, people feel safe to explore new ideas and try new things. They’re looking for inspiration—and they’re looking for you - Pinterest

I love this because it speaks to why anyone that has a creative business should leverage Pinterest. Because people are there to be inspired by YOU.

So if you are a creative business owner or blogger keep reading.

I want to start us off with some numbers directly from Pinterest itself so you can see what the audience is like, I’m also adding in the Swedish numbers for my Swedish readers:

There are more than 463 million monthly users on Pinterest, and 1.72 million users in Sweden as of early 2023.

60% of users on a global scale are female, and 78.6% of the Swedish audience are female.

With such a vast number of people both on a global scale but also more local to where I live, there is an audience for you to inspire.

And don’t forget (what I think is the best stat) 97% of the top searches on Pinterest are unbranded. That means people are not there searching for their next Nike tracksuit, but their searching for workout fashion.

The potential is there to create awareness for your brand and attract new readers, customers, and clients. You just need to know how to do it.

This is what you can see when you pin with an intentional strategy that aligns with your business. Meaning pinning content you have that will lead people where you want them to go, you use designs that match your business vibes but are also click-worthy and have your SEO down.

  • Pinterest is an excellent top-of-funnel platform, meaning you use it to get people intrigued with your stunning pins, they click it and end up on your website. Boom! They’re in your funnel! Now this is where you need to make sure you can lead them from curiosity to decision.

  • If you nail your Pinterest SEO you can rank on Google. When you make quality pins with relevant keywords you increase the chances of repins and likes from other users. And when a user repins your image the source link remains attached, and this will help direct more traffic to your website. And more people clicking on your site will boost your visibility in Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Over time this will lead to higher rankings on Google.

  • Your content is evergreen. It’s searchable and will be discovered years from now, as long as Pinterest exists it’s there and ready. This is great because if you have seasonal content it will trend year on year. We’re always going to love a good pumpkin spice latte, right?

In conclusion, Pinterest isn't just a social platform; it's a dynamic visual search engine that holds incredible potential for creative businesses and bloggers. With a vast and engaged audience of over 463 million users globally and 1.72 million users in Sweden alone, it's a canvas waiting for your unique brand of inspiration.

Decipher the code of Pinterest SEO and witness your brand's online visibility surge across platforms.

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