Using Pinterest to Grow Your Audience

To manage another person's Pinterest account, and a creative business at that is so interesting. I have a vast experience with different types of creators. From food recipe developers, and artists to online service providers.

They all come with a set of specific challenges to their niche, but one thing they have in common is that they want exposure from a huge new audience, something they’re not getting on social media.

I want to share with you a specific client and how our work together took her Pinterest from barely showing her content to people and her website traffic landing her sponsor deals and product sales.

When we started out here account was at just shy of 16K impressions a month, those are how many times your content is viewed, and her outbound clicks were 11. So that’s less than 11 people going to her website from Pinterest every month.

She wasn’t really seeing any results from Google either, but she had a big following of over 150,000 on TikTok. And that’s where she did most of her recipes, cooking videos, and also lives.

She contacted me because she knew the potential with Pinterest was HUGE! If she had the right strategy in place, but didn’t have the time or knowledge to handle it herself. So she got me on the team.

She wanted me to handle all her Pinterest marketing, so I set her up with my signature Pinterest management package with full account takeover, unlimited pins, and funnel support to get those views converted into money in her bank account.

She was also the first person I worked with who wanted my support in writing her blogs. This wasn’t a service I had, but I was so open to learning. So we started implementing monthly blog posts to add giving her even more Pinterest content, but she didn’t have to think about it.

I wrote on niche topics I knew would perform well based on Pinterest trends and search results. It was honestly so much fun.

Within 6 months of helping her with her blog posts, optimizing them for Google and optimizing her Pinterest account for discovery as well as developing a solid strategy for distributing content designed to attract her dream audience she saw an increase of 770% more website visitors, she was ranking with several blog posts on Google and she has close to 2K clicks to her website from Pinterest alone every month!

Using Pinterest to Grow Your Audience - Pinterest Management Client Results

This is such a success story. And I know you can see the same results when you take action on Pinterest.

Think about what having another 2000 people on your website every month would do for your business. Might just make it all a little more passive.

Read about my management and blogging service right here.

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15 Pinterest Video Pin Templates



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