Why you should blog 2024

Updated 2023-11-12

Even if you've never blogged before or maybe have one that's barely making it, you can turn blogging into your mainstream of income in 2024. No, blogging is not dead! You just have to do it right!

Blogging about how girl's night was last weekend might not be the way to go, but you can absolutely document what's happening in your life. Your thoughts and experiences, but you have to make it interesting to read in a saturated market of people sharing everything about their life.

Now, what do you write about then? Niche, niche, niche. Stay on track with a specific topic that readers find interesting and that you are an expert at. Here's an example: You spent years studying and working with children - now you want to make a living blogging about the subject because you want to be in charge of your own time, not let anyone dictate when you need to work (trust me, as a former kindergarten teacher, I know!). You can take that knowledge and experience and make your niche parenting/education or something along the lines of that. If you can niche down even more, DO IT! You need to get in on the keyword game and SEO. So the more specific you can be, the better.

Starting a blog in 2024 doesn't cost a thing. Well, as long as you have an internet connection, that is (but who doesn't in 2024?). You can use a free host, or even paying for a host and domain isn't that expensive. And you make that back in a jiffy with your blog anyway.

I think as long as we use Google search, blogs are going to be around. Think about it or even better, test this out - do a Google search for anything, and I bet a blog is on the first page. People still read them and still love it.

Read more about how a blog can help you rank on Google here.

It does take time, that needs to be said. You need to research topics, collect photos or videos (free stock sites are amazing), then you have to write the post, and of course, you need to market the living... out of it (especially in the beginning when you're new). You need to build that audience before you start earning money. But with the right strategy, that won't be a problem. And that's where I come in - your go-to Pinterest marketer, more on that later.

I don't want to paint a picture that blogging is the holy grail and will make you rich in a minute. But it has great potential to realize your dreams of a life you are in control over. I have collected a list of ways to make money off your blog once you have it up and running. Just click here!

why start a blog in 2023

Okay, so back to me, or what I can do for you! You got your blog up and running, got a few posts out there, it's feeling great - but no one but your mom is reading it.... That's not a great feeling. This is where I come in, I will work with you on your Pinterest game, you as a blogger NEED Pinterest! We will make a strategy that's tailored to your needs and optimize both your blog and Pinterest account with the right keywords so you have it all Search Engine Optimized (SEO). This way, you actually have the opportunity to show up in both Google search and Pinterest search - because their algorithms are similar with them both being search engines you get the benefits of Google search when you have your Pinterest set up right. I mean your Pins can even rank on Google.

In conclusion, blogging is still a viable way to earn income in 2023, as long as you niche down and provide valuable content to your readers. While it takes time and effort to build an audience and monetize your blog, it can be a great way to achieve the life you want. And if you want to take your blogging to the next level, optimizing your Pinterest account is a must, as it can help drive traffic to your blog and increase your reach. Contact me for your free consultation about Pinterest today and let's work together to take your blog to new heights!


Let’s go deeper into organic traffic and the power it holds for bloggers.


6 Ways to make money of your blog