Pinterest Tools and Resources for Marketing

Pinterest Tools and Resources

I know trying to learn Pinterest can be challenging, and you don’t necessarily have the funds or want to spend hundreds of dollars on a course you don’t know is right for you and is up to date with the changes on the platform in 2023. Because frankly, a lot of them are not and I don’t want you to waste time or money with those courses.

Here is a list of courses and resources I recommend. And full disclosure, a few of them are affiliate links, but I would never recommend a course I don’t believe in. Now, let’s dive in.

Let’s start with a free resource:

Heather Farris on YouTube

She is amazing! She gives all you all the T. There is no gatekeeping and she publishes new videos regularly so she’s always up to date with the changes on the Platform. 

SimplePin Podcast.

Kate Ahl is a seasoned Pinterest expert that owns the SimplePin agency. There is a new and up-to-date podcast out every Wednesday - I always listen to it when I walk my dog, it’s packed with tips and ideas, information, and guest speakers. Everything is relevant to growing your business using Pinterest.

Pinterest VA Society on Facebook.

A group filled with Pinterest managers and VAs with different skill sets, levels of expertise, and where they are in their careers. It’s a great community to ask any question you might have regarding Pinterest.

My own Pinterest SEO Email Course 

It will teach you everything you need to know about setting up your account, pins, and board for maximum exposure.

On to the paid resources/courses.

The Pinterest Blueprint is my own Pinterest course designed to teach you how to take your account from non-existing to excellent and optimized. There are also modules on affiliate marketing on Pinterest and funnel strategy. But the best part is the fact that I ALWAYS keep it up to date with the latest from Pinterest.

Pin Description Swipe File + ChatGPT Promps is an excellent tool to speed up your pin creation process and get help from AI doing it. 

Pinterest Content Hub is the only resource you need to keep all your links, pin copy, funnel set-up, analytics, and all the things related to Pinterest. It’s made with Google sheets, so as long as you have a google account you can use it!

Free and piand Pinterest tools and resources for marketing your business and blog

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