Your Pinterest Analytics

Have you ever checked your Pinterest analytics?

Pinterest Analytics Tool and How it Works

:Pinterest Analytics

This is where all your Pinterest stats are housed and a very helpful tool you can use to see how your content is doing, and what you need to adjust.

Let’s break down the different metrics:

  • Impression: the number of times your pins were on screen

  • Engagement: the total number of engagements with your pins, including clicks and saves

  • Outbound Clicks: the number of clicks to the destination URL associated with your pins

  • Saves: the number of times your pins were saved to a board

  • Total audience: the total number of pinners who have seen or engaged with your pins

  • Engaged audience: the number of pinners who have engaged with your pins

*source: Pinterest analytics tool

As a Pinterest manager, I always look at all the numbers when I’m assessing the state of the account, but my main focus is on the saves on outbound clicks. Those are the ones that will convert to money in your bank account.

The saves are important because pinners are planners and they’re early looking for inspiration and inspiration. That’s why they save content they want to come back to later on their boards.

The outbound clicks represent the people going to your website from your pins. This is one of the metrics that tell us the account we add to Pinterest actually reaches the people we want them to. We want a steady growth of new people clicking through to build a strong audience and make that money. If you’re outbound clicks are not doing well you need to go back and look at the content you post vs the similar content that’s ranking. How do those pins look vs yours, are your keywords and CTA right?

You should also be testing out to see which type of pin, pin design, and CTA your ideal audience resonates with.

How often should you look at your analytics?

No more than once a month! There’s no need, you need to give your content time to be indexed and pushed out before adapting. That’s why I deliver analytics reports once a month to my clients, including the previous month's stats and how we are planning on moving forward.

It’s important to be in control of your Pinterest analytics, but it’s nothing to stress about. Give your strategy time to cook. That’s when you’ll see those amazing results you know are possible.

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